February 22, 2025

Cough Cough

It’s like my mom says, "As a teacher, sometimes you win, sometimes the students win." Well as I sit here at the end of my second week with this stinking cold, I can say for sure that their germs are stronger than my immune system.  I had to have my observation from the principal on a day where my head was filled with snot and my throat wanted nothing by cough drops. But of course the students were all feeling fine and lively.  Score one for the kids! (The observation came out fine…score one for ME!)

It has been hectic since day one.  I’m sure next year I will be a bit more relaxed, but for now I have to get my s*&t together enough to feel (or at least) look…organized. HaHa

I am currently fighting with the desire to keep my homelife somewhat normal.  Maybe after basketball season.  David is on two teams this winter and it’s a pain trying to keep up with the where and what time of it all.  Not to mention the two different uniforms that must be washed…and dried before the butt crack of dawn on Saturday.  Church activities are also taking up a lot of time, but I do enjoy all the people so it’s just a matter of making the rest of my life more manageable.  I feel like a horrible daughter though since my father has yet to receive a gift from me.  I miss my folks.

Well I’m off now before I boohoo about missing my parents.

Happy Birthday Papa, I love you big even if I didn’t see you on your birthday or get you anything..yet.

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