February 22, 2025

1994 Christmas Letter


Merry Christmas Everyone!

I, Marc, have been delegated the task of writing this year’s “Merry Christmas” letter, so damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!  In short, all of us are doing well and there’s not much to tell, but a few more details are in order, so here goes.

Mitch and Jake are going to be a year old by the time you read this, and thank goodness that their infant days are nearly at an end!  We can barely leave the house without someone exclaiming “Oooohhhh, double trouble!”, and boy are they right.  Jake is just beginning to toddle around like a human being and if the pattern holds up, Mitch will be about three weeks behind.  Now, if only they would sleep through the night!

There won’t be any tree at our house this year, not with the midgets exercising their as yet unperfected grabbing and pulling skills!  Nothing is safe, particularly after Jake learned how to pull himself up onto the couch and other seating apparatus.

Monica is staying home with the boys full-time and we expect that to continue for the foreseeable future.  That makes things a little tight occasionally, and this may have a negative impact on your Christmas presents (!), but we’re lucky to be able to do that when not many couples can.  I think at times she has been longing for those relaxing days at the office, though.

I’m still working at FERA Corporation in north Houston.  It’s a pretty nondescript company and position, but I’m hoping to parlay some of my experience into a position at Compaq.  During off-hours, I serve primarily as a climbing device for the boys, and the lack of exercise is making me a little doughy!

We are planning to have the Christmas celebrations with Monica’s family here in Houston.  I expect temperatures in the sixties, lots of good food, and a seemingly endless barrage of silliness from my in-laws regarding the supposed superiority of the Dallas Cowboys (Choirboys) football team!

We hope that all of you have a Merry Christmas, and to all of you that we do not get to see in person this year, we hope to see you soon.


Marc, Monica, Mitch, and Jake Moore

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