The Weather Channel says it’s …
The Weather Channel says it’s going to be at least 70 degrees for the next 10 days. Time to cut my hair off for summer, I reckon. #fb
Making 50s Look Like 20s
The Weather Channel says it’s going to be at least 70 degrees for the next 10 days. Time to cut my hair off for summer, I reckon. #fb
Oddly, I’ve been hearing Motley Crue’s Wild Side in my head all week… Reminds me of washing dishes with Ira at the Family Affair #fb
@shanselman @bradwilson It’s easy to laugh at VB 3 now, but that little tool was very good to many devs, myself included. Fond memories
This may sound strange to some of you, but it was actually too hot to play disc golf in comfort today. 80 degrees, I was sweating. #fb
Here is some of the Apple boorishness that’s so annoying…
@jonathanglick @davewiner Fact is: a lot of people still use Blackberries. // A lot of people still use COBOL too, but it still bites!
Another plug for my book Recognition, book 1 of the Liberty First series, which is available for Kindle now!
For those of you who haven’t given up, I’ publishing Recognition as an e-book on Kindle soon and other platforms to follow shortly.
Quick dev-related blog entry about IIS 7 app pool identities and folder security.