RT @blowdart The US has renewe…
RT @blowdart The US has renewed Jersey Shore? And yet SyFy cancels Caprica? FFS America. // We’re not a bright people re TV shows
Making 50s Look Like 20s
RT @blowdart The US has renewed Jersey Shore? And yet SyFy cancels Caprica? FFS America. // We’re not a bright people re TV shows
Here are some good, quick C# interview questions/answers gleaned from various sources: What’s the implicit name of the parameter that gets passed into a property’s set method? Value, and it’s datatype depends on whatever variable we’re changing. How do you handle multiple inheritance in C#? MI is not supported. You …
RT @KentBeck #book “Iorich” good Brust fantasy if you’re already a Taltos fan, but the deleted scenes are the best http://amzn.to/lAVHpt
RT @davewiner Re Bravo! The French got this one right http://r2.ly/cwu7, that’s utterly ridiculous.
@csjmoore – re High School Fuckup Now In Charge Of Checking Airport Luggage For Explosives http://t.co/TTLUO5k // If only that were a joke.
A thought that, in the middle of the night, makes sense: Love is like a samurai sword. Mishandle an important relationship and it can cut you, deep, to the bone. Many of us know this firsthand, but we still don’t always handle the people in our lives with the care …
@shanselman Too many people are only 51% interesting. Do I care about Joe Blow’s politics b/c he’s a sharp developer? I think not!
RT @blackshards New blog post: How Rich I Am http://bit.ly/eJ5csD
RT @bradwilson In related news, Song of Fire and Ice book #5 has a hard date now: July 12, 2011. http://amzn.to/gzeTnp // Excellent!
RT @davewiner Republicans will make US ‘Third World’ nation: Obama. http://r2.ly/9b86 // Pot accuses kettle