RT @davewiner Atlas Winced. h…
RT @davewiner Atlas Winced. http://r2.ly/cf7q // Grimaced a bit, at least. Meg’s review covers it well. In a word: disappointing.
Making 50s Look Like 20s
RT @davewiner Atlas Winced. http://r2.ly/cf7q // Grimaced a bit, at least. Meg’s review covers it well. In a word: disappointing.
House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), “We must now move from saving billions to saving trillions.”
23:20 for the 5k. Ran good and finished strong, but not quite good enough to beat Dave, who beat me by about 5 seconds. Good job son!
Very tired of Visual Studio 2010’s Out of Memory errors. #visualstudio
RT @haacked – Found in bathroom at work http://t.co/Ms31svD // Strangely glad that my co-workers aren’t the only bathroom-challenged ones
@davewiner Don’t pity the Tea Party, pity the people who were fooled by Obama’s hope-n-change song-n-dance.
@libertyfirstnov Check out Recognition, book 1 of Liberty First, at Amazon, B&N, Apple, or the web site: http://libertyfirstnovels.com
A quick note to say my book, Recognition, is now discounted at Amazon! Get it while it’s cheap! http://amzn.to/eCmETU