Power Move
Jake at the powerlifting meet
Making 50s Look Like 20s
Great news! After a delay on the publishing end of things, Recognition, #1 of the Liberty First novels, is available in Apple’s iBookstore!
Another plug for my book Recognition, book 1 of the Liberty First series, which is available for Kindle now! http://amzn.to/e7r2kM
Despite the scourge of double-bogies, it was a beautiful day for a disc golf luncheon! #fb
AT&T Wireless is a horrible, horrible company run by small, mean, petty people! #fb
A special raspberry to whoever thought compilation debug=”xxx” was a good idea for controlling the compilation of a .NET web site. Fail!!!
Ouch. Just took a major shafting in TFS re renaming a child branch with changesets pending and not ready to be merged up. Appreciate it…