Time to face the dreaded ellip…
Time to face the dreaded elliptical machine, then it’s on to Somerville to watch the Bulldogs put the hurt on the Yahoos! Go, ‘Dawgs!
Making 50s Look Like 20s
Time to face the dreaded elliptical machine, then it’s on to Somerville to watch the Bulldogs put the hurt on the Yahoos! Go, ‘Dawgs!
Yikes, the horror of fixed-length, space-and-zero-padded fields; these are relics of the 1960s that should be shot.
@robconery – After having worked in VB for 6 years, I’d call dissing its long-winded syntax, etc., justified
Yes, there is such a thing as “good enough” in software and it’s a good idea to aim for it in that 1.0 release http://bit.ly/9R15XG
@OdeToCode – Have you been talking to our HR department or something???
Business Insider: “Nobody visits the AT&T store for fun.” // That’s a fact, Jack! We suffer there to get our iPhones!
Ah, the joys of tweaking HTML for Internet Explorer; it’s the gift that keeps on giving…
@robconery – A co-mingling of church and state is bad – Iran, Saudi Arabia – but exclusion is equally harmful – China, Soviet Union
RT @iowahawkblog 2-Year Obama Budget Deficit Hits $3 Trillion // This is the ultimate in fiscal irresponsibility, GW Bush included
Time to hit the old treadmill… Sigh, running indoors stinks. OTOH, I’ve got The Office on DVD!! #fb